Clutch Community Member


CLUTCH Family!

Do you know someone who makes a difference in the community and is truly “Clutch” for others?


We want to highlight them as a “CLUTCH Customer”!  Click the button below to nominate someone special.

Once a month, we’ll select and share a highlight featuring a “CLUTCH Customer,” on our website and social channels.  The selected “CLUTCH Customer” will win a FREE week of drinks!  Additionally, the person who nominates them will also receive 2 FREE drinks for the assist

Clutch Community Member


CLUTCH Family!

Do you know someone who makes a difference in the community and is truly “Clutch” for others?


We want to highlight them as a “CLUTCH Customer”!  Click the button below to nominate someone special.

Once a month, we’ll select and share a highlight featuring a “CLUTCH Customer,” on our website and social channels.  The selected “CLUTCH Customer” will win a FREE week of drinks!  Additionally, the person who nominates them will also receive 2 FREE drinks for the assist